Business Telephone Systems, Voicemail, Paging Systems, and Other Peripheral Equipment
Every installation of voicemail systems or paging systems, and really all business telephone equipment, is a little different for each company, because every company has different communications needs. That’s why Allied Communications considers every install of commercial telephone equipment in Albuquerque and around NM to be a customized project, which is tailored to the specific requirements of the customer.
Albuquerque NM Business Telephone Equipment Installations
When your company requires a major overhaul of its voicemail system or paging system, or any other aspect of its business telephony, your first call should be to Allied Communications. We can handle the setup if you’re completely relocating your system, or if you’re just seeking a major overhaul of your existing systems. We can install powerful PA systems, overhead background music systems, and other peripheral office equipment to create a workplace more conducive to productivity and happy employees.
Your company may want to take advantage of some of the newest high-tech equipment available, such as the NEC UX 5000, the NEC DSX, or the NEC 2100 to upgrade your communications, so that you can incorporate DID numbers and PS/ALI-E911 service. Or, you may want to invest in Panasonic KX-T/KX-TD equipment, which can handle up to 24 lines and 64 phones, with its extra device port. You just plug in your fax modem, credit card terminal, or any single device right into the back of every telephone. Whatever works best for you is what we’ll be glad to arrange for your company.
Excellent Customer Service
Regardless of the type of system we install at your business workplace, you can rely on the fact that you’ll receive outstanding customer service, and prompt handling of requests for service, support, or training on new systems. Our specialists are always available to answer questions which may arise, or to solve any problems promptly and efficiently. We recognize that 100% customer satisfaction is what keeps us in business, so we go the extra mile with every client to ensure that any systems we install for you are fully operational, and that they meet your expectations.
Customer Confidence
We at Allied Communications are totally confident in the products and services which we provide to clients, and in order to instill that same kind of confidence in our customers, we offer a full two-year warranty on all business telephone equipment, voicemail systems, paging systems, and computer LAN networks, which we install. Contact us today about your workplace communications needs, and join our growing family of satisfied customers.